Evno is your path to peace of mind

Managed IT Services ​

Why Evno Managed IT Services

IT makes your business go.
In this technology-focused age, companies can live or die by the quality of their IT infrastructure.
Entire companies are run electronically nowadays, and few wouldn’t suffer immense losses if their IT services encountered a major issue.
With security-centric managed IT services, business owners no longer have to worry about data loss or computer problems; Evnotech experts handle them and relieve owners to worry about what really matters to them – running the business.
Here at Evnotech, we understand this.
Many businesses are finding that the level of expertise they can gain with a Managed Service Provider (MSP), makes them indispensable.
In fact, between the rapid acceleration of modern technology and the necessity for streamlined IT functions, a growing number of businesses are finding that the best way to keep pace is with a Managed IT Service Provider.



Because We Care!
You are not just another client to us.
We offer a happiness guarantee. We are committed to value, not locking you into long-term contracts.
Expect an exceptional client experience.
We deliver IT support right the first time, on-time, every-time.
We make sure every service call is complete to your satisfaction BEFORE we close your request.
Evnotech focus is on simplifying your experience with technology.
Streamline, clarify and simplify our support.
We answer the phone when you call and know who you are.
Again, because we care!
We have been doing IT since 2007, we didn’t just pop-up shop. Experience in the IT field matters.
We provide Security- Centric technology planning, staying ahead of technology keeps your network safe and reliable.